‘All In Ed - A Bet for School Engagement for Everyone’ is a cross European productive learning-oriented Erasmus+ project. It brings together teachers, educators and administrators in order to collect, develop and implement best practices in relation to low threshold school engagement methods.

The participating organisations are as follows: Institut Antoni Pous I Argila, Spain, NNÖMS Bad Vöslau, Austria, Grund- und Realschule plus Gerolstein, Germany, Agrupamento de Escolas a Lã e a Neve, Portugal, Keuruun yläkoulu, Finland and the University of Jyväskylä, Finland
The aims and objectives of the proposed project relate to combating early school leaving, agency centered pedagogical solutions as well as the use of ICT as a tool throughout all of these layers.
The All In Ed- project aims to address the challenges pertaining to risk of exclusion and early school leaving as a full community issue. We seek to establish common ground with students, their families and the wider community to find avenues for engagement and genuinely meaningful learning experiences that can align students with school learning environments.
The 31st INEPS Congress is organised in collaboration with the All In Ed Project.